In pursuit of my argument last week in favor of new investment in Value Addition in the West African Telecoms market with emphasis on Nigeria, it is my goal today to look at the uniqueness of the Nigerian Market itself. Nigerian itself is a unique Country. By virtue of all that has happened and is still happening, we should have been a banana republic by now, but it hasn’t happened and that in itself is a marvel. How come a nation of over 140 Million people without power supply without effective government, without health facilities, roads , discernable transport system, failed education system etc…. and the list goes on, including endemic corruption; still exist as an somewhat organized society with effective economic activities and commerce? I don’t pretend to have answers to these questions. But from hindsight, I intend to provide what I know, with the hope that the reader may understand why this state still crawls on. Now, the average Nigerian is a resilient personality, hardworkin...
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