PMB Programs and Direction

The 3 cardinal problems upon which this government rode to power are:
1. Insecurity
2. Unemployment
3. Corruption
Clearly, these 3 problems define our present existence in Nigeria.
Needless to say that the President is on course in two arms namely: Insecurity and corruption. However the second and the most important aspect , unemployment, is receiving no noticeable attention. The problem however, is, without giving this sector its due and mandatory attention; the other two will relapse again and again.
Those of us who are acute follower of PMB will like to see coordinated and concise program and activity in the economic front without much delay. While the formation of a cabinet may wait, the economy does not wait. It is a real time phenomenon, seconds, minute’s counts. A hungry man will need food because his stomach will flog him second by second even if you are asking him to be patient.
My suggestions

There is a need to put together without delay a formidable economic team so named as to begin to collect suggestions and memos with a view to having enough aggregate volume through which these problems could be tackled creatively.
What we do need is a paradigm shift in dealing with the problem of the economy and unemployment. Going through the usual failed methods won't help again, hence the need to have a wide and comprehensive aggregation of suggestions from various groups with a view to isolating creative ideas that will help leap frog our country out of the present doldrums.
Presently, news has it that foreign investors have taken out 308 Billion Naira from the Stock market alone through divestment since January 2015. What is fueling this is not the fall in the price of crude, but rather the uncertainties in the economic front due largely to the nonexistence of an economic team.
I know my friends will say Haba Henry be patient. Yes I am, Nigerians have been for so long as well. But being patient without knowing where we are going is just siddon de look.
Even the Party APC can pick up on this and begin to galvanize in a creative manner opinions and memo with a view to advising Mr. President from the Party's perspective. But we cannot just sit and wait expecting that one day the economy will spin into the right direction. We have to turn it around our self and the time is now.
The Mobile sector looking at ICT was projected to deliver up to 15% of the Nations GDP by the end of 2015 for instance, far exceeding the contribution of oil at less than 5%. Now these are areas the government must pay attention to. You can’t afford to ignore a market square of over 87 million today, which is the number of Nigerians online within the Nigerian space. If we do, then the foreigners will also exploit that to our detriment. After all it is a global village. By 2016, that market space will increase to 104 million, yet the government is totally ignoring this segment of the business just for the idle crude oil.
Think of the loss in terms of job creation because of uncoordinated approach to that sector. How much of jobs could have been created for instance if 50% of mobile handset used in Nigeria are produced here. My last research shows that over 30million Handsets are sold annually in Nigeria alone. That is a huge one, yet all of that comes from either, China, Hungary, Korea or US. Out of this segment over 5m are smart phones at an average of $100 per unit, what you have is a huge $500,000,000  spent on buying smart phones by Nigerians annually. We don’t even produce the applications that run on them and yet the government over concentration on oil is making everyone look like dunes.

The growing income inequality within Nigeria’s largely youth population is turning a demographic boom into a national security challenge. What would have been largely a blessing is becoming a nightmare. With over 70% of youthful population who are either unemployed or underemployed a time bomb is ticking. The faster and more effectively the environment of business can allow individuals to acquire productive skills, conceive business ideas and access capital to turn their ideas into thriving businesses, the more prosperous and politically stable Nigerian  will be. These are challenges that must be addressed by President Buhari’s economic team that ought to have been constituted yesterday but are still largely in obscurity

 What we must have should be a change in the true sense of it and not just a party sings song mantra. Let that change also come on the way the economy is focused.
God Help the King! LOL!


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