Up Comming Online Business Opps in Nigeria (2)

How will the present changing market landscape benefit the skilled or Semi labor?

The critical factors in setting small businesses includes but not limited to:
Access to finance
These hinder start up greatly. The changing landscape in the market place has changed all that.
Whether you are a mechanic, an electrician, or a plumber, these limitations don’t exist anymore.
All that is required now is just a little skill in the online environment; knowing how to browse, send email messages, engage with social media communities to sell your skill, and then maintain trust and integrity.
But this will work out best in a group environment. The artisans will do well by forming themselves into either a group or cooperatives.
A group might be a team of a) artisans, which may comprise, electricians, plumbers, cable installers for a house hold maintenance on one hand and
b) A group of auto mechanics, auto electricians, and panel beaters
Grouping themselves can create some element of trust for those who may want to hire there services and also provide a total solution in one area.
The key ingredients they will need here are
1.        skills
2.       Tools
3.       An online presence, preferably via the social media, where they can advertise their skills and maintain a current updates of  activities
4.       Mobile phones
Effectively they can work from home without the expensive need of a rented shop or spaces.
All that will be required is aggressive marketing of their skills by providing updates on what they have done and what they can do. They key here will be integrity and honesty on their part, as any show of dishonesty will end the business for them almost immediately.

Mobile Workshop on wheel

This is another unique opportunity opening up as a result of the growing internet users in Nigeria. Think of the unit as a complete auto workshop on wheel fully equipped for vehicle recovery, spare parts and maintenance on site.
You can render this service on subscription basis, where users subscribe to this service, paying some token on a monthly basis. Users who subscribe to this service will then be allowed to reach the mobile unit, by phone, SMS, email, mobile apps, and faults attended to on site.
Ok now, on friday I will looking at the real deals, stay with me.


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