Nigeria- going forward

Hello again, Just had some reflective moments on issues concerning us.
The Problems we face in Nigeria were man made and will be solved by man. We have become too religious to the detriment of our responsibilities and assignment. God gave us sound mind and strength and He expects us to use them. We must learn to distinguish between what is our assignment and what is God’s responsibilities as we cannot send God on an assignment. God will not do our assignments for us, just as no genuine father will do his child’s assignment and send him to pass it to his teacher . If we don’t do our assignment and just pray, we will fail. And I think that is just what we have been doing at the national level.
The significant problems we face today in our country, cannot be solved at the same frame of mind where we were when we created them. We must shift our reference frame, our lenses with which we view the world around us. What on earth are we still doing with “state of origin” in our status books?, and some of these ethno-centric institutions that have served no useful purpose in nation building. The true value of every human being is not where he comes from but the substance within. Therefore we are all first Nigerians and then the next big bang should be what can you offer to this country. In essence, every Nigerian should be valued by the content of his brain and not by the content of his ethnic coloration, nor should a man’s worth be valued based on his material acquisition; acquisitions which in this space is highly contemptuous to our morality and civility as most of these are squanderous attack on our commonwealth, and not acquisitions by intelligence or hardwork.
We must therefore arise and actively question what goes on around us as citizens. Democracy thrives by people power and not by jackboots. The people power is irrelevant if they cannot use it. In such a circumstance where the people allow the domiciliation of their power without being proactively involved in setting the direction of state policies and governance, jackboots will naturally evolved and highjack the ship of state for their own benefits.
Can we now begin to tell Mr. President through his facebook page, the kind of person or persons we all expect to see in his cabinet for instance as a first step to giving direction, by people power to state affairs. Nation building is not for GEJ alone but for all of us, and one clear means is by way of constructive engagement, criticisms and suggestions to his policies and programs.

Thank you again for reading.
I remain as always Henry


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