Can we Predict when "Change" will Come?

This question has been on my mind for a while and I have been pondering on this universal phenomenon. I have wondered how it applies to an individual and to a nation as a whole.
It is my candid opinion that this mathematical identity is true in all cases namely:
Change (C) =F(space, time , attitude). This is a function which has a unique solution since we know that change itself must come. When it will we do not know for sure.
However, it appears to me that the tensor which guarantees the existence of this change in a given spacetime metric is a universal one and evenly distributed.
This function applies to the individual as well as to a nation, though a lot more complex at the individual level because of the variableness imposed on the Euclidian space for an individual, which is a constant at the national level, baring wars or extreme situations, where national boundaries contract or expand as can be in the Nigerian space over Bakassi peninsula.

It is my opinion that this identity is much more complex than the Einstein’s field equation. While the Einstein’s Field equation dealt with space time metric and its tensor momentum only, this equation incorporates another variable called the attitude variable. Attitude variable follows or resembles the Gaussian distribution function because of its natural degree of randomness.
Human behavior is a random one fairly speaking.
The complexity in the equation can be dealt with when real life assumptions are taking:
• Change is a constant, itself not subject to change i.e change those not change.
• The Euclidian space is a constant at national level. This is fairly a good assumption today as nations do not grab lands of another
• The tensor is universal within the global stage and evenly distributed on the earth.

If we therefore take first order partial derivative on both sides of the equation, we have a somewhat solvable equation in the form

∂_ f(space, time, attitude) = 0

If we do an incremental accumulation of this function over time we have the equation which is an integration of the function form t0 to tf

∫f(space, time, attitude) =C

Let us say for Nigeria, t0 = 1998 and tf =2011.

If this function equals Zero ,i.e C= 0, then there will be no change in 2011. If however this equation equates to a positive valued function, then we can experience a positive change. If it equates to a negative value, we will experience a negative change come 2011 or retrogression.
This solution is made more simplified in the Nigerian space because space and time are known variable. Therefore the only real change that will come to Nigeria in 2011 will depends on this variable called attitude.
God Help Us.

This function for now looks trivial but perhaps it is the real mathematics of everything that scientists have been looking for, because we can extend it to the entire cosmological existence. Once you remove the attitude variable you will see that the functions narrows to the Einstein’s Field equation and we can also use this equation to explain what happens just before a change takes place or what scientist may call an event horizon.
An Event Horizon is more commonly used to describe the horizon before descent into a black hole you know. Well it is instructive to note that a change cannot occur inside a black hole itself for two reasons, namely:
• There is no light inside a black hole. Since time is necessary for a change effect, and time is a function of light, precisely the speed of light, it therefore means that within the black hole there could be no change at all.
• The Tensor momentum inside a black whole is not expected to be uniform but constantly accelerated, hence the destruction and creation of new energy within this horizon.
So what will existence look like inside a black hole which experiences no time at all?
I am not sure I have the answer.

Enough of these postulations we will pursue it further next time, God willing. But for now let us take a closer look at this new variable called attitude.
I have already said that this variable follows the Gaussian function and therefore can be expressed in the form below.

Where x is takes on either of the three values and a,b,c are all constants.
However the parameters are just in three quantum steps
1. Positive
2. Non committed or Zero level
3. Negative

So we are simply dealing with three levels with varying degrees except for the zero level of course which has no other value than zero itself.
In a national space therefore the predominant attitude will reflect the scale on which the whole nation lies in the attitude scale. This is a simple statistical sample and it is not difficult to solve. Well we will continue next time ok…….
Well Now lets go to our usual discus which is Communication.

Broadband Penetration- A must for any nation worth its Name

My inclination towards writing this piece stems from the fact that the Government of Nigeria has been talking too much about its vision 2020 where it boast of becoming amongst the 20 largest economy come 2020. Unfortunately, there is no clear road map towards achieving this. At best this vision will become one of those consigned to the archives of government. Perhaps therein lies the real vision of those who conceived it.

Well it is my desire to highlight the broadband data services and internet access in Nigeria and to underscore the importance of this for any modern economy. I do not share the government vision 2020 or what ever slogan they may come up with in the future, which has been used to “opiumize” the masses. I am simply doing my bid, if by any means a flying by bird may pick up the signals as it passes by and probably make a sound that may be heard by those who suppose to hear.

Today in Nigeria it is estimated that there are about 10million internet users. We do not know for sure how many of these are 3G/3.5G subscribers, dial up subscribers, ADSL subscribers if any and WIFI/WIMAX users. The 10 million is a mix of all of these including users of Blackberry anyway, who forms the bulk of internet users.
However one thing is common: All the service providers are an aberration and abysmally poor.
As a matter of fact the best service we have ever enjoyed had been the moribund NITEL dial up service that guaranteed 56kbps. Today all the claims of broadband service is babash! Simply a payment for zero service, a white wash. The claim of 3G or 3.5G at best is a lie and generally a clear cut cheat by the service providers, and I think this should be checked by the regulators. You really can’t get consistent 56kbps from them not to talk of broadband speed or anything near it.
So what are the underlying reasons for these poor services from the providers?

Most service providers Connect to the internet exchange via Satellite
Satellite connection creates a lot of latency so issue of fast connect using satellite is out of the way.
Secondly the cost is very prohibitive, simply un-affordable. In other places it is only used as a back up solution and not the main carrier.
There is no Internet Exchange for Nigeria
The problem here is that traffics that originate in Nigeria which are destined for Nigeria will have to transverse through Europe or America before landing back to Nigeria. It is like I want to call my friend in VI while I am at Ikoyi, and the call will have to be routed to Europe before my friend in VI will hear me out. Complete nonsense if you like.

There is the Need for Multiple Fiber Highway to connect the country with the World.

Will the Main one and Glo 1 submarine cables come to rescue? Only time will tell.
If this country wants to participate in the 2020 global economy, not to talk of being amongst the 20 largest, this Government must throw into the trash can this so much outdated theory that only the private mafias will lead the economy. What then will the Government be doing? First things first Sir, before this so called private sector led stuff ok. It is simply not working right now. We have seen this private sector bammboozool in our banks etc etc.. The Government that controls more than 50% of the entire economic activities cannot fold its arms and be talking about privately led economy.
Who controls the oil sector? Who control the land issue in Nigeria? Or is it no truer that Land is the greatest capital in economic activities? If the Government wants the private sector to lead, then let them hands off the oil sector and the brouhaha on land allocation and leave this lands to those who own it. .Boom!!! I am done with this.


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