This House Is Falling


An apparent look on houses in Lekki and former Maroko area of VI in Lagos Nigeria depicts beauty on the outside but the foundations of most of this houses where built on shifting sands and it only takes an underground rumble for this houses to come tumbling.
Such is the future of houses built on shifting sands.

This house Nigeria is built not on a solid foundation but on shifting sand, it will therefore not stand. The leaders go about believing themselves, there programs and pride yet they are building on sand. This country is a fraud and cannot stand. It may well be the rumbles have already started- The Niger Delta war.

All Men under God are created equal and share common humanity. This is the fundamental principle on which true leadership stems from. Here it is different. Some believe they are created to be governed others believe that it is their Devine right to govern and so must govern even if they are knots upstairs.
No Nation can stand on this premise. And so the rumble has started and this may well be the beginning of an end.
A mono product economy based country fighting in the region from where the product comes from and this product is hotly needed by the international community. Your guess is as good as mine.
Let me share this staggering statistics about Nigeria

Unemployment rate about 70% of employable. Compared with Iraq 35%
Graduate unemployment over 90% so for every 12 graduates only about one person is employed.
Infant mortality rate: About 97 per 1000 for 2008 compared with 71 for 2003
Poverty rate increased from 58% last year to 70% today. For every 10 Naija, 7 live their lives below a dollar a day. This figure is worst than Afghanistan or Sierra Leone.
Foreign reserve shrunk from 68 billion US dollars to 45 billion US dollars in less than a year.
Second largest importer of rice on Planet earth

Etc, etc, etc,
Poverty is the shortage of common things such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, all of which determine the quality of life. It may also include the lack of access to opportunities such as education and employment which aid the escape from poverty and/or allow one to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.
This house cannot stand


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