Re-branding Nigeria…… A rogue Project

Today the slogan is no more “Nigeeeeeeriaaaaaaaa the heart of Africa” , but a new slogan has emerged. They call it Re-branding Nigeria.

I insist that our policy and decision makers need proper medical examination for us to properly situate them really. The more I ponder, the more I come to the conclusion that we need expert psychiatrists, possible from abroad including Ghana to examine our ministers and would be political office holders.

What on earth is the matter with our leaders? What is there to re-brand really? Does painting an emulsion white on a grave stop it from being a place of rotten bones?

I wonder what the minister wants us to believe. I think she should save us the insult.

A nation with no clear record of its youth unemployment especially graduates, simply because it is mind boggling, nation that is the second largest importer of rice in the world to feed its population but with vast amount of uncultivated lands, a nation where hunger pervades every where, a nation that is perpetually in darkness, no thanks to PHCN, though billions of dollars has been spent on NIPP with no single watt of power. Today, our most cherished Lagos is considered the most dangerous city to work on earth. Nigeeeeeeriaaaaa! Our Niger delta region considered a war zone .etc, etc. and Nigeria generally regarded as a failed state. With Nothing on offering for its citizens except for the privilege few in Government and political office holders and there collaborators in the public sector. I think what is happening in Madagascar may be instructive.

Please Madam, save us the insult of embarking on this mission of whitening the sepulcher. It will still remain a sepulcher afterwards.

First clean up this mess called Nigeria.


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