Nigerian Communication Commision to aution 2.3GHZ Spectrum
The auction could be done before the end of the year to complement NCC's plan to license Infrastructure Companies (InfraCos) on regional bases, According to Igho.. NCC spokes person “You are all aware that the commission has commenced the processes for the selection of infrastructure companies for Lagos and North-central geopolitical zone in line with the Open Access Model that was launched this year. In due course, qualified companies will be selected in that process to give impetus to our drive to achieve robust deployment and service provisioning for broadband services across the country.” Other areas to be considered in line with the planned auction of the 2.6GHz band, according to Igho, would include spectrum caps, licensing options, tenures, rollout obligations and some key issues that the commission’s auction committee may deem necessary for consideration. The 2.6GHz spectrum is a frequency band, which is in the migration plan for mobile service delivery that wi...