
Showing posts from August, 2009

ZTE @ 25 Bravo!!!

It’s been inspiring to watch ZTE, since I came in contact with the company in 2003. I have watched her move from unknown Chinese enterprise to a global player. I have watched her make inroads into traditional strong holds of companies that far exceed its age and name. I have watch her bestrode the global telecommunication landscape like a colossus capturing lands and domains far away from its traditional territory. Domains long held by well known Americans and European companies. I have simply watched with admiration and attention, often wandering where these growth and conquest will eventually lead to. I have also advocated her styles and system as an example to us in Nigeria, as we aspire to be a global player in the world economic stage come 2020. A style that calls for devotion to ones duty, love for what you do, and who you represent (The enterprise), hardwork with an untiring spirit that says “We can”. What then is the secret of this growth for a company that started small 25 yea...

Demystifying the SS7(1)

Hello I have been on a long long holiday you know, so I haven’t had time to update my blog lately. But today we will go technical and that will be on signaling system 7. I have had a series of delays in releasing this series. Anybody who has attempted to write a book will notice a lot of unexpected delays, here and there. Either that some drawings won’t just find its way as expected or the designer is not keeping up to date or you are unexpectedly out of fund to meet some obligation. It is neither here nor there. But one page at a time maybe all you need to get through. So this is what I have just adopted here. Let’s look at the concept of Signaling first Signaling You remember the old railway signals on the railway junction crossings? Ok, I hope you do. The whole idea is to signal incoming traffic that a train is coming and that they need to wait to avoid a collision with the train. Hopefully you never experience one of such horrific accidents that occurred in those days as a result o...